Kip & Nook -

Thai Nights

Thai Nights in The Barn

Kip & Nook is thrilled to host your very own homemade Thai food night, right from the comfort of The Barn. Sit back and relax as you are served a delicious banquet of Thai food, cooked fresh on site and delivered to your door.

The Details

Kip & Nook's very own, Bea, will prepare and freshly cook your banquet from scratch from her home on site. The dining room will also be staged and set for your evening meal. Bea will deliver the food to the Barn, leaving you to enjoy a delicious Thai feast.

For more information on our Thai Nights in The Barn, please email us at: [email protected]

Imagine yourself...

Kip & Nook hosts the ultimate getaway with its collection of unique and quirky places to stay in the stunning backdrop of the Yorkshire countryside.

[email protected]  /  01325 344584

(Calls will be answered during the office hours of: Mon - Fri, 9:00am - 5:00pm)

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